If decorated poorly, small rooms can seem claustrophobic and
uncomfortable. However, there are many design and decorating tips that
can make the room look bigger than it is and give the illusion of space.
Here are some decorating tips and tricks to making a small room look bigger:
- Choose light colors. Light colors make rooms look
bigger and maximize the effect created by natural light. Dark colors
make rooms appear smaller because they absorb light.
- Use multi-function furniture. Multipurpose
furniture such as sofa beds, chest of drawers, beds with storage
drawers, and extendable dining tables can all save space and help keep
small rooms looking clean and organized.
- The more light, the better. If you can let natural
light in, it will open up the room a lot. Make sure that any window
coverings are sheer and/or pulled back. If there isn’t a lot of natural
light in the room, adding more light fixtures will give a similar
- Keep the room organized. Having too much clutter
will make a room feel and look very cramped. Don’t cover walls with a
lot of pictures. Limit the number of accessories in the room as well.
- Add mirrors. Mirrors give rooms an illusion of depth. Use a focal point and angle the mirrors toward it.
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